Eom jae-won
Recollections, memories, and longings of the past that exist in memory
Separation of form, fragmentation, and imagery are collected in a frame.
This set object was created by Hans Bellmer (1902-1975) in the early 20th century.
Influenced by Surrealism.
Just as the Surrealists explored the unconscious world influenced by psychoanalysis in the early 20th century.
Now, 100 years later, the mental picture of our society is divisive and fragmented.
Or reconstruct it into a simple image.
These imaged forms are
It evokes a sensory impression of a certain object or form.
In other words, what we face through the media
The social image of the past or present is reflected in the work.
Separation of form, fragmentation, and imagery are collected in a frame.
This set object was created by Hans Bellmer (1902-1975) in the early 20th century.
Influenced by Surrealism.
Just as the Surrealists explored the unconscious world influenced by psychoanalysis in the early 20th century.
Now, 100 years later, the mental picture of our society is divisive and fragmented.
Or reconstruct it into a simple image.
These imaged forms are
It evokes a sensory impression of a certain object or form.
In other words, what we face through the media
The social image of the past or present is reflected in the work.
기억속에 존재하는 지난 과거의 회상 그리고 추억, 그리움 등을
집합이 된 이 대상은 20세기 초 한스벨머(Hans Bellmer, 1902-1975)의
초현실주의 영향을 받았다.
초현실주의자들이 20세기 초 정신분석학에 영향을 받아 무의식의 세계를 탐험했던 것처럼
100년이 지난 지금 우리 사회의 정신상을 분열적이고 파편적인
또는 단순한 이미지로 재구성한다.
이렇게 이미지화 된 형태들은
어떤 사물에 대한, 형태에 대한 감각적 인상을 떠오르게 한다.
다시 말하면 우리가 미디어를 통해 대면하고 있는
과거 또는 현재의 사회상이 작품속에 반영되는 것이다.